Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Walter, you are The MAN
Monday, November 27, 2006
End of Hurricane season wrap
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Christmas is in the Air

Holiday Mood tip:
Sitting outside of Starbucks at Destin Commons after 7:pm Sipping your favorite hot drink while whatching the big Christmas tree as the fake snow blows around.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Don't Shoot ! I'm not a Turkey
Photo Copyright Teresa O'Neal 2006 All Rights Reserved
Retreat wildlife at Thanksgiving
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving Buckos

The Turkey resistance is growing........
What they're saying about us...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Several homes nearly finished
We are coming into a slower pace on the Gulf front now that a few more homes are finished and a few other houses are getting close.
The new construction action is on the ends of the neighborhood with two up in the cove
and an expansion of one and final stage on another on the west end.
The last two years was boomtown.
What will the next two bring?
We are now about 1/3 built out.
This momentum should carry us forward as prospective buyers can now get a very good idea of what the neighborhood will eventually look like when it is more fully developed.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I heard it through the Grapevine
I heard it through the Grapevine
That you are not on your time line
I heard it through the grapevine
And this is not fine, Honey Honey
That permit is still sitting there
And you act like you don't care
The Dep said it's not complete
What does this mean to me?
You should have told us yourself
But we found out by ourselves
Yeah we heard it through the grapevine
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Vizcaya Dune Plants and fencing

This is a recent picture .
Looks like some plantings and dune fencing
on the top and bottom of this dune.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Dune , the saga continues
I have observed, have you?
The way the Retreat dunes are eroded by Heavy wind and rains.....
EXCEPT where there are weeds and other plants that have rooted on our dune slopes .
They are holding there own. Notice that in the areas where there are no plants how the brown sand is flowing down due to the dune erosion
BUT... where there are plantings (by mother nature) the sand is still white.
I don't know anything that is keeping each individual gulf front owner from Planting or hiring
the Dune doctors to place plants on their lot.
There are no matching sand issues if you plant in the existing sand.
You don't require heavy equipment
And it is fairly inexpensive even if you add dune fencing at the base of the dune or
double up on the planting at the dune base instead of using dune fencing as a alternate method.
The INN at BLUE Mountain is looking really good after the recent storms that the board mentioned Last Saturday.
They told you that Adagio lost the base of there dune.
The Truth is that they lost part of the base only on the section of their beach at the far east side
which is closer to the waters edge. The Seawall behind these artifical dunes causes the beach to be shortened.
The other dunes at Adagio did great. Our dunes are much farther away from the waters edge than are Adagio's and can be expected to perform quite well.
I can't help but wonder if some interests are actually served by the constantly eroding dunes for over two years now. And who's responsible?
Perhaps some might think that if the dunes erode enough that a DEP permit will be approved.
If thats true the 2006 Hurricane season must have been a big disappointment.
In any case the Gulf front owners might want to consider what to do about preventing further erosion of their lots. It's can't be good for the property values you know.
Nuff said.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Suggestion BOX
1. First , eyeryone join hands and try to contact the living.... Hey it's a JOKE Guys....
2. Tear down the beach club and have a lottery for the Gulf front lots that the beach club sits on and leave enough room to build an observation tower with elevator next to Mr. Flautts home. A signature tower for the Retreat with owners wine and cigar room at the top.
And with views to LIVE for.
Cigar smoking on the Obsevation deck please Gents.
Less Traffic on the Beach front.
Then we can take the extra $$$ Millions $$$ and build a great club/grill and pool area by the lake with a REAL negative edge pool that is staffed on the weekends. We don't use that lake area much as it is. It is more protected from the elements.
We will have mucho dinero $$$ left for other projects.
Lets face it, a pool structure on the beach will never be a qualifed structure as it is not inhabited. DEP does not care if your pool goes Bye Bye.
This also makes it easier to effect a uniform solution on the beach as the tower can be put on land that is not beachfront.
We could also then afford retractable walkovers on the east and west walkovers would also set us apart as a first class development.
Our current facilities are not first class anymore on par with the upscale communities that are now being built.
This project could generate a great deal of positive PR for the Retreat which never hurts the property values. Ahem......
Later you big Alligator
A week later......
Some brief thoughts about last weeks Ho's meetings due to the fact that there is just not a lot of substance to reflect on.
1. The Board looking board (nothing unique about this) Like why do we have to sit here so long?
2. No proposed regular assessment increase (no complaints here)
3. No real handle on when something might happen with permits (nothing new)
4. Mr. Flautt looking to build a seawall which project could encompass three lots (NEW)
This will dilute the original effort imho but since that effort has produced nothing it's good to see people getting back to taking action to protect their own property.
5. No Balance sheet info at meeting (let's hope that comes in the mail soon as we were told)
6. New board members (4 gulf front 3 non Gulf front)
Comment : If Mr. Flautt rightly so will be recusing himself from certain votes due to the seawall Project then why haven't the Gulf front lot board members recused themselves in the past regarding votes on money being spent on their gulf front lots?
7. Streetlights coming sooooooon and to require no special assessment (Great)
8. I think the board missed a real opportunity to make a gesture to the minority party, if you will, by not encouraging Mr. Hogan's election to the board.
9. Mr. Thall's suggestion for the board to wait 3 Weeks to see what is going on with permits
before going ahead with rebuilding the Beach club stairs to the beach since they would have to be removed to do any proposed work indicates someone who is used to thinking things through.
Uber Gated Communities
Well theres always a faster car and a account right?
Most Expensive Gated communities
Friday, November 10, 2006
Think Blogs are a fad?
Interview with a grain of sand
I came down from the mountains
To rest on your enchanted shores
To create a welcome place for you
Before you were born
Your presence here bares witness
To a power beyond mere attraction
That tugs gently at your spirit
And enters to calm all distraction
Do you want to whisper to the wind?
Do you want to lay within this sand?
Then come rest and regain yourself my friend
And feel the healing power of this land
Interview with a grain of sand by shawn O'Neal Copyright © 2006 All Rights Reserved
Thursday, November 09, 2006
My how things have changed
In the last week I have been asked if I would like to buy several PRIME properties in our fair corner of the creation. Strictly Confidential you understand so don't ask me.
2 years ago the only way to get these properties would be to kill the owners and pry the deeds
from their cold dead hands.....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
political spot

I think we have all been looking at a few polls lately.....
Thats why I'm waiting on my thoughts about the HO last SAT.
Soon..... Very soon.
In the meantime check out the 13% difference in the Midterms over
my other
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Since we live on the coast mabye we should refer to our new board as the Surf Board.
So who is gonna be hangin ten on the front of the board this year?
And who is gonna be merely along for the ride?
And is this going to be the year that the board discovers how to send emails directly to everyone?
I just heard that the most expensive mid term election is in Tennessee were I spent 20 years.
$1.5 Billion dollars ! 1500 Million Dollars! For one senate race.
I heard this on NPR. If you hear in other numbers let me know.
Leviathan grows stronger and stronger........
Monday, November 06, 2006
The Monday After..........
I will have some personal thoughts and observations from speaking with many of you regarding the Annual HO's meeting this weekend so stay tuned. You knew I'd get around to it didn't you.
Meanwhile back at the ranch,,,,,
If they ever start a NASCAR series racing Garbage Trucks I think this mornings driver could
be a contender. He came racing down Bermuda Dr. from the top of the hill and took that turn up Tortola like he was filming a Dukes Of Hazard show.
And check out Lou Dobbs new book WAR ON THE MIDDLE CLASS
Lou, of CNN MONEY fame used to be a Republican and is now an Independent voter.
Find out why.
Being Middle Class and living in the Retreat where most of you are part of the Elite Moneyed Class has been interesting in the way I would imagine being an explorer living in the Jungle or the North Pole observing native people of a different culture would be. How many of you own the book The Rich ARE Different ?
I thought so. Anyway, a real learning experience.
Try this experiment . The next time someone asks you where you live around here answer
"We live in Blue Mountain". When I do that I get answers like "We love Blue Mountain"
or "I really like that part of 30A" etc.
Then say, We live in the Retreat and observe the reaction.
Later you big Alligator,
Sunday, November 05, 2006
At Flautt Manor
Teresa and I really enjoyed meeting and chatting with all of you at Frank and Brenda's home last evening. About their home..... VERANDA , what are you waiting for ? Grab your cameras and get over there!
I can understand why Frank wants to build a wall to keep Neptune out of his living room.
I would suggest we move the contents of that cozy wine cellar to my home on Bermuda drive if
we see bad weather approaching just to be safe.
It is good to see Association going on in our Association.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Be there and be square
I think we all want more square and less Zig Zagging in our annual Property owners meeting also referred to as the annual Homeowners meeting for those of you who have a home and live in the Retreat like I do or if you prefer the annual second or third vacation homeowners meeting
or the annual land speculators meeting or the I have a lot and intend to build my dream home someday annual meeting.
In any case we want you to come and be part of the process.
2:pm Central Standard Time in SEASIDE at the Lyceum
I have Put a Row of brightly colored flags on the Roadside at Seaside and have brought a wine tasting show to help lure you to the meeting. (just kidding).
Also there is a Live meet and greet afterwords at The Flautt Manse (home just left of Beach Club) which is a big improvement over the "communication committee" that we keep hearing about every year.
We look forward to new Leadership of the board.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Dune Doctors Quote
I was talking to the Dune Doctors and as it turns out they spoke to the Retreat about doing some
work for us after IVAN.
Below is a current proposal from the dune doctors that I asked them to provide before our annual meeting so the board could perhaps revisit this issue.
Keep in mind that this quote is in addittion to the cost of any SAND that the board feels we may need to purchase and put out prior to planting and dune fencing.
Alys Beach choose to double up on the plantings at the toe/base of their dunes instead
of using the Dune Fencing option for aesthetic reasons.
Frederique Perret
918 East Jordan St., Pensacola, FL 32503 ϖ Phone: 850-939-7737 ϖ Fax: 850-444-7494
October 26, 2006
Attention: Sean O’Neil Via e-mail
I am pleased to submit for your review the following proposal. Included is the summary and detail of the work recommended to optimize the level of protection on the property.
Sand Fence addition:
We strongly advise installing sand fence at the toe of the created dune according to DEP (Department of Environmental Protection) standards. It provides the following multiple benefits:
- Helps trap wind driven sand,
- Limits foot traffic over newly planted areas, and
- Reduces the wave’s impact on the dune by redirecting
their path as they come ashore (when installed properly).
Based on the property being approximately 3,000 feet wide and placing 10’ sections of sand fence 9’ apart, you will need 3,340 feet of sand fencing added according to DEP standards at the appropriate angle with the shoreline, in an East-West row South of the newly created dune area.
Installation of Sand fencing
- 3,340 feet of 4’ sand fencing @ $ 4.45 per linear foot = $14,863.00
Native Coastal Vegetation:
To stabilize the dune, limit wind erosion, landscape your beach environment and increase the overall level of protection, we strongly advise to cover any bare surface with native vegetation. Assuming that after sand addition the slope is 30 feet, the total bare surface in need of vegetation will be 90,000 square feet (3,000’ EW by 30’ NS). This measurement needs to be confirmed after sand addition. Our advice to obtain the best stabilization is to install 4” containers of mature grasses at 2’ on center. In addition to stopping wind driven sand, the grasses grow roots 10-15’ deep in the core of the dune in all directions creating a dense net that helps reduce possible erosion. Installing grasses 2’ on center, you will need 22,500 grasses. For adequate coverage and to hold the surface sand, we strongly recommend also planting an additional 10% of that amount in ground covers.
Installation of the plants:
- 18,000 Sea Oats 4” @ $ 3.15 each installed = $ 56,700.00
- 4,500 Panic grasses 4” @ $ 3.15 each installed = $ 14,175.00
- 563 Seashore Elder 4” @ $ 3.45 each installed = $ 1,942.35
- 563 Sea purslane 4” @ $ 3.45 each installed = $ 1,942.35
- 563 Red morning glories 4” @ $ 3.45 each installed = $ 1,942.35
- 563 White morning glories 4” @ $ 3.45 each installed = $ 1,942.35
The cost for this planting option is: $ 78,644.40
The total cost for both options $ 93,507.40
All our plant installations come with a 90 day / 90% survival guaranty.
This estimate includes the following:
10 signs (stating: please stay off the dunes),
a roping of the area (removable if and when desired after establishment of the plants), and
the use of slow release fertilizer and moisture retaining gel to help the establishment of the plants.
Watering events: To help the plants fast establishment, we water them right after installation. If there is a prolonged drought in the first 2 to 3 months after installation and if the plants show some water stresses, we will recommend a watering event with a sprinkler once a week. As long as it rains every 2 to 3 weeks there is no need for watering, since we install the plants with a biodegradable water retention gel. We do not recommend the installation of an irrigation system since established drought tolerant, native plants do not require watering.
Upon your approval, we shall prepare a letter of agreement and will request with its signature a 30% down payment for the nursery to have the plants prepared specifically for your project. Availability will determine the amounts of the different species and plant sizes at that time.
Please feel free to call Dune Doctors at (850) 939-7737. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. We hope to help you enjoy the pleasure and beauty of a native, maintenance free landscape in the near future.
Frederique Perret
M.S. Plant Biology, Physiology
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DATE \@ "MMMM d, yyyy" October 26, 2006