Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Tallahassee Workshop

Workshop on Innovative Shore Protection Technology
February 22-23, 2006,
8:30 am to 5:00 pm, (location TBA), Tallahassee, Florida.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems, is often faced with requests to permit, implement or fund new and innovative erosion control projects. The Department considers new and innovative shore protection technologies as applied science, intended to solve an erosion problem, and about which the Department staff and professional engineering community have insufficient information to predict project performance and reliability, and potential impacts to the beach dune system.
In 1989, the Florida Legislature enacted a law (161.082, F.S.) that allows the Department to encourage the development of new and innovative methods for dealing with the coastal erosion problems along the state’s shorelines. The law provides the Department the ability to authorize the construction of pilot projects utilizing alternative erosion control methods, upon receipt of an application from a riparian property owner or governmental entity, and upon consideration of the facts and circumstances surrounding the application. Additional guidance for the regulatory approval of new/innovative shore protection technologies is provided in Chapter 62B-41.075, F.A.C.
The Department will host a workshop on innovative shore protection technologies in Tallahassee, on February 22-23, 2006. The workshop will offer designers and vendors of new and innovative shore protection technologies an opportunity to showcase their ideas and products, and will provide information on Department rules and procedures for permitting and funding pilot projects in the state.
The workshop will allow for up to thirty (30), twenty (20) minute presentations by designers and vendors.
Interested parties must register below (presenters registration form).
Interested parties must submit a short abstract describing their product or idea, including a discussion of its prior use, drawings and results of monitoring studies (if any).
Abstracts must be submitted via email at (innovative@dep.state.fl.us) on or before 8:00 am EST on January 16, 2006.
The Department will review the abstracts and submitters will be notified of their acceptance by January 20, 2006.
Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint format and a copy submitted in advance of the presentation for posting to the Department’s website following the workshop.
Given the fact that the number of presentation slots is limited, presentations will be offered to those parties based on: 1) submission of an abstract describing a new or innovative technology appropriate to the workshop, and 2) the date and time that the abstract is submitted. Early submission will increase the chance of being offered a presentation slot.
Anyone wishing to attend as an audience member must also register below (attendee registration form).
Additional information can be obtained by email innovative@dep.state.fl.us.

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