Thursday, June 22, 2006

Hey Michael, When you said the retreat had such a narrow beach tuesday I wanted to ask you
when you last had your own two feet and your own two eyeballs on our beach.
Dude, It's not narrow.
Remember the first time in that board meeting that I sat in on, when I asked you if you had been down on the retreat beach and you said not recently after you were speaking for several minutes about what we needed to do......on our beach.....easy money bro.
But I do have to say you always said (when we asked the question just right) that doing nothing
was an option and putting out sand and sea oats, dune fences,etc. was an option as well.
So you told the board and the authorities told the board to put out sand ect. But ....... no sand.......has....been....put......on....the.....retreat......beach.
Sand that THE GULF FRONT LOT OWNERS SHOULD PAY FOR BECAUSE IT"S THEIR PROPERTY. (except for the beach club, walkovers, i.e. common areas).
If you go to an expert doctor and pay good money and he tells you to take a certain medicine to get well and then you don't take that medicine.... what's the point of going to an expert?